这一次与Sunway University学生自愿团联合所举办一连三天(2018年09月26号至28号)在Sunway University的Art Gallery的 (Blood Donation 1.0) 活动已经完美落幕了。这一次的活动主要让学生与教员们可以提高捐血与保健的意识。感恩所有会员、自愿者、双威大学及双威大学学生自愿团的参与与协助。
Thank you everyone for the overwhelming support on our health week event. 😎
We were really impressed by the warm response of awareness and participation from the staff and students at Sunway University! 👏👏👏 Glad to see many of you supporting the blood donation and showing such a great interest for your own health!😍😍😍
Many thanks to our collaboration partners :
Sunway Student Volunteers (SSV)
The National Blood Centre of Malaysia
The National Kidney Foundation (NKF) Malaysia
The Tun Hussein Onn National Eye Hospital
OPTIMAX Eye Specialist
The Association of Chiropractic, Malaysia (ACM) & IMU Chiropractic Volunteers
DAN-O, Korea Most Popular Sanitary Pad & My Vcare Dairy
who had supported for this health event on blood donation, health talk, FREE eye screening (Glaucoma screening) , spine health analysis, Feminine care advice, health supplement so much more~ Stay tuned for more events announcement soon!✌️✌️✌️